Maternal Blood 70 Y-DNA TestBack
5 gestational weeks, 70 markers
Feature of MBZ
- 5 gestational weeks is able to do the test now!
- More sensitivity than ever before! The new professional maternal blood Y-DNA test made by DiagCor Laboratory has 70 markers that show in the report.
- The accuracy of this test is up to 99.99%.
- The turnaround time is one workday.
Clients, who are an organ transplant recipient, are not qualified to take the test. (DiagCor will NOT accept the case)
This test does not has online purchase service. Please contact obstetrician if you want to make an appointment.

5 gestational weeks, 70 markers
Feature of MBZ
- 5 gestational weeks is able to do the test now!
- More sensitivity than ever before! The new professional maternal blood Y-DNA test made by DiagCor Laboratory has 70 markers that show in the report.
- The accuracy of this test is up to 99.99%.
- The turnaround time is one workday.
Clients, who are an organ transplant recipient, are not qualified to take the test. (DiagCor will NOT accept the case)
This test does not has online purchase service. Please contact obstetrician if you want to make an appointment.
Maternal Blood 70 Y-DNA Test Service Procedure Q&A
The principle of Maternal Blood 70 Y-DNA Test
Fetal DNA is fragmented when placental materials (particles) are being pushed into the maternal blood circulation. The fetal DNA fragments circulate freely in the maternal blood which refers to the cell-free fetal DNA (ccfDNA). Therefore, by taking the mother's blood samples, fetal DNA material can be detected. With advanced technology in Science, Maternal Blood Y-DNA Test is able to distinguish fetal DNA from maternal blood in women of 5 gestational weeks or above. From the results, we are able to detect any presence of Y-DNA in maternal blood.
Service Procedure
PART 1 : Contact an obstetrician or a medical center if you want to make an appointment
PART 2 : Go to the Clinic to Claim Certain Test Services
PART 3 : Receive Report
- Once the report is ready, the clinic will inform you to collect your report.
- If you need report counseling service, please contact the clinic.
QUnder what circumstances is the expected mother NOT able to do the Maternal Blood 70 Y-DNA Test?
Clients, who are an organ transplant recipient, are not qualified to take the test. (DiagCor will NOT accept the case)
QHow does the Maternal Blood 70 Y-DNA Test report look like?
For Maternal Blood 70 Y-DNA Test report:
QWhy expected mothers are strongly recommended to take the Maternal Blood Y-DNA test?
It is because if the expected mother is a carrier of an X-linked dominant disorder, there will be 50% chance of inheritance if the expected baby is a male. X-linked dominant disorders include diseases such as amblyopia, epilepsy, mental retardation and other diseases such as Fragile X syndrome. Fragile X syndrome is regarded the cause of different growth problems with regard to learning abilities as well as delayed development of speech. Therefore, by taking the Maternal Blood Y-DNA test, the sex of the expected baby can be verified. Expected parents can determine the necessity of taking further tests such as Fragile X Carrier Screening (MFX).
QHow much blood is needed for Maternal Blood 70 Y-DNA Test ?
12ml of blood from the expected mother
QAny precautions or preparations needed before doing theMaternal Blood 70 Y-DNA Test ?
No special precautions or preparations are needed. Fasting is not required as well.